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Transparency Helps Immigration Law Firms Improve Productivity

Long ago, professionals like lawyers and other specialized service providers tried to hide from their clients what they did and how it contributed to their success. Those days are long gone. Clients now want to know what their firm does, how it will deliver value, and how it will impact productivity and business management.

Canadian Immigration Consultancy today doesn't hide behind obscure legal practices. Instead, they share with clients the steps involved in managing their cases. And, most importantly, they collaborate with clients to finish those steps. These immigration law firms can share information with clients and with foreign and domestic consultants, government agencies, visa recipients, and other relevant parties through the use of technology.

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In the past, clients might need to contact their attorney to request updates on their immigration case. However, an attorney today can give full transparency to their client's case and allow them to track and view all aspects of their case via an online immigration management system. This allows the attorney to concentrate on activities that are more relevant to his or her experience and expertise.

This transparency is possible through technology. The immigration case management software is powered by web access and can be accessed from any computer with internet access. This allows attorneys and immigration law firms to set access rights to certain data sets and invite clients and partners, consultants, and other stakeholders into the online space. They can view and share data, create forms, and keep updated about multiple aspects of open cases.

Transparent models, such as a client relationship management module that is fully integrated with case management, allow immigration law firms to offer their clients the benefit of always-available information. They can communicate with one another through multiple online portals.

These include corporate portals, foreign portals, and email alert systems that remind stakeholders about upcoming deadlines and reminders. These communication methods allow immigration law firms worldwide to concentrate on more important tasks and deliver greater value for their clients.