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What Are The Benefits Of MH/SUD Coverage Under The MHPAEA?

Under the mental health parity and addiction equity act, employers with at least 50 employees must provide coverage for mental health and substance use disorders in the same way that they cover physical health conditions. The law also requires that these benefits be included as part of an employer’s core insurance offerings. You can visit to know more about the advantages of MHPAEA.

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The benefits of MH/SUD coverage under the mental health parity and addiction equity act include: 

  1. Coverage for mental health services, including therapy, medication, and treatment facilities. 

  2. Coverage for substance use disorder treatments, such as addiction counseling and medication. 

  3. Coordination of care between mental health professionals and addiction specialists. 

  4. Discounts on medications or treatments related to mental health or substance use disorders. 

  5. Assistance in filing claims for benefits. 

  6. Assistance in understanding insurance policy terms related to mental health or substance use disorders.

Mental health parity and addiction equity are important issues that deserve to be addressed in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, the mental health parity and addiction equity act only applies to large group health plans. This means that small businesses and individuals who purchase their own insurance will not be able to receive benefits from the law.