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Why Does my iPhone Screen Dim when it Hot?

As an iPhone user, you may have experienced this – your iPhone screen dims when it gets hot, even when the brightness is all the way up. This is a common issue among iPhone users, and one that can be easily explained.

What Causes an iPhone Screen to Dim?

The likely cause of your iPhone screen dimming when hot is an internal feature known as ‘Auto-Brightness’. This feature adjusts the brightness of the device's screen in response to environmental lighting conditions. If you are also facing this problem with your phone then you may check this site

How to Stop Your iPhone Screen from Dimming

If you find that your iPhone screen dims when hot, there are several things you can do to prevent it from happening.

1. Disable Auto-Brightness

The best way to stop your iPhone screen from dimming when hot is to disable the Auto-Brightness feature. This can be done by going to Settings > General > Accessibility > Display & Brightness and disabling the Auto-Brightness toggle.

2. Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause the internal temperature of your device to rise, triggering the Auto-Brightness feature. To prevent this from happening, try to avoid using your device in direct sunlight.

3. Use a Cooling Case

If you find that your device is still getting too hot, you may want to consider using a cooling case. These cases are designed to keep your device cool, preventing the internal temperature from rising and triggering the Auto-Brightness feature.