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Indian Dental Care Is Different

Indian dental care is widely considered to be of high quality. This is in large part due to the traditional Indian system of dentistry, which emphasizes prevention over treatment. The Indians have a long history of practicing oral hygiene and natural healing methods for dental problems. Traditional Indian dentistry does not rely on surgery or fillings as much as Western practices do. Indian Peaks Dental provides superior care to get you onto the path of improved dental health.

The Indians also have a highly developed understanding of dental anatomy and physiology. This knowledge is used to treat patients with diseases of the teeth and jaws, as well as injuries caused by accidents or sports activities.

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Some of the most popular traditional Indian dental treatments include:

Dentures are a common treatment in India. Indian dentists often make custom-made dental appliances, which are available in a variety of materials and styles. Crowns and Bridges: Crowns and bridges are similar treatments. A crown is a type of tooth replacement that is made from natural tooth material. A bridge is a piece of metal or plastic that is placed between two teeth to keep them together and support the crown.

Crowns and bridges are similar treatments. A crown is a type of tooth replacement that is made from natural tooth material. A bridge is a piece of metal or plastic that is placed between two teeth to keep them together and support the crown. Inlays and Onlays: Inlays and onlays are types of dental restoration procedures that use dental porcelain to replace damaged or lost teeth.