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All You Need To Know About Braces

Braces are a device used to straighten teeth and correct malocclusion, or the misalignment of the jaw. They are usually made of metal brackets that are cemented to the teeth, with bands and wires that are tightened to move the teeth into the correct position. 

Braces can also be made of ceramic or plastic materials. Braces are most commonly used on children and adolescents, but adults can also get braces to correct misaligned teeth.

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Different types of braces

The two main types of braces are traditional metal braces and clear aligners. Traditional metal braces are the most common type of braces and are made of metal brackets and wires. 

They are visible on the teeth and require regular adjustments to tighten the wires and move the teeth. Clear aligners are a newer type of braces that are made of plastic and are virtually invisible. They fit snugly around the teeth and require regular adjustments to move the teeth.

Benefits of braces

Braces can help improve the appearance and alignment of teeth, as well as improve the overall health of the mouth. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain, which can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. 

Braces can also help the jaw and teeth work better together, relieving pain and discomfort from TMJ issues. Braces can also help improve speech and chewing.