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Is overpronation of the feet a problem?

The way in which the foot functions or works could have a an important impact on the rest of the body. The foot is commonly considered as the foundation of the body and just like the tall building analogy, if that platform is not right, then something might go wrong higher up. There are numerous kinds of dysfunctional conditions that can impact that platform and how the foot interacts with the ground. That interaction will have numerous impacts higher up the body.

One of the problems that may go wrong is something that is generally given the name “overpronation”. This word is frequently used and abused, so probably should be avoided. The term refers to the feet moving inwards at the rearfoot and also the arch of the foot flattening. This is actually quite a normal motion and is only a concern if there to too much of it. Why the term is such a problem is that there is no agreement as to what is too much and what is normal. This can lead to lots of uncertainty in research and in clinical practice, particularly when choices have to be made if the overpronation should be treated or not.

The outcomes that this problem may have on the body are believed to range from hallux valgus and plantar fasciitis in the feet to lower leg and knee problems in runners. There are various ways to treat it, again with a lot of difference of opinion between health professionals as to the best way to approach it. Rationally the treatment of the overpronation ought to be geared towards the cause and there isn't any such thing as a one size fits all. If the condition is caused by tight calf muscles, then stretches of those muscles would be the logical approach. If the issue is the control of muscles at the hip, then the therapy really should be directed at that. If the condition is caused by weak foot muscles, then that is the best place to start the rehab with exercises. If the concern is due to a bony alignment issue in the foot, then foot orthotics are often used.