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What Is The Importance Of Fitting Material

Every industry needs plumbing system that conveys fluids for a wide range of applications. For that they fond of finest plumbing materials which can run for longer term and less maintenance.

Plumbing fitting includes multiple equipments such as types of pipes, conncetors, gaskets, bolt fasteners, pipe hangers, celvis, beam clamp( it is known as ตัวยึดสลักเกลียวไม้แขวนท่อ celvis ตัวหนีบคาน in the Thai language) and others. They all are used in plumbing application for different functions. Even their fitting process is also dissimilar to each others.

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Further, types of pipe fitting is used to attach one pipe to another in order to lengthen the run or change the flow direction in a plumbing system. In pipe fitting system also used connectors and pipe holding equipments which can be used to give support for high loaded pipes.

Moreover, there are many pipe connectors like T-joint, L-joint and elbow 90° are used in order to regulate and change the direction of flow. For instance, all the the materials have their own benefits and use in plumbing fitting.

In addition, many companies sell these plumbing equipments but before making a choice you have to check the material properties according to the place where you want to use. Although, they also provide the chart in which the every equipmet properties has been already mentioned.