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Tips For Designing Car Decals

A car sticker is a very flexible advertising element that can be printed anywhere on the vehicle. They can be individually printed with the desired design and cut into different shapes.

There are some specific car graphic design suggestions available online, so you should look upon various designs before creating a custom design and placing an order.

Measure your vehicle- Your design can be dramatically affected by the overall size of the part. So you have to go out first and measure the height and width of the area you want to put the sticker on your vehicle. Once you understand and understand your size limitations, you can start designing stickers to follow these specifications.

Fill in the space- Bumper stickers, big or small, should look like thought and effort went into the design. If necessary, hire a professional designer to create your artwork. However, if you don't have the budget for this, you can easily do it yourself.

Keep your text large, bold, and legible from a distance. You want your company name and phone number to stick in the minds of potential customers.

Color Contrast- As with any car sign, your bumper sticker design should have plenty of color contrast. This will make your message stand out not only from the background of the sticker itself but also from the body of the vehicle on which it is affixed. Designs that use colors with similar hues are difficult to read and are not liked by readers.