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Done Durable Advertising With Vinyl Banner Printing In Australia

Vinyl banners are a great choice if you are looking for a way to cover your next industry event, promote a sale or promotional offer in your business, or simply bring your business interior to life. Whether you need it indoors or outdoors, vinyl banners offer a much higher return on investment than other forms of signage. You can also take help from custom vinyl banners in Australia via Splash Colour Imaging for vinyl banner printing.

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There are many characteristics that distinguish this character type from the others, as follows:

Vinyl banners offer great durability

Unlike thick paper backing, vinyl offers much better durability in any environment. Vinyl resists rain damage, resists wind well, and fades in direct sunlight. These properties make vinyl printed banners a great choice for temporary outdoor events, as well as long term outdoor use e.g. B. as a shop sign or advertisement. When combined with the right UV inks, vinyl banners will last up to 5+ years before needing to be replaced and can last longer in the right conditions.

Vinyl banner and ink technology

With all the advancements in ink technology over the last decade, you can create custom vinyl banners that fade in windy, wet, or sunny weather. Whether you use UV-curable inks, solvent-based inks, or the latest latex inks, you can print vinyl banners that will last as long as you need them.