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Common Problems in Team Management

Team management refers to those activities and actions that help in bringing a team together to carry out a specific task efficiently. Tasks can involve everyday activities or specific projects. The team manager is usually required to delegate specific tasks to the right people without bias or discrimination.

Team management doesn’t just stop at teamwork. It involves performance appraisals and objective setting as well. Team management also involves dispute identification and resolution within a particular team. You can learn the best team management tips via

team management tips

Following are the common problems faced in team management

  1. Absence of trust

The biggest challenge faced by a team leader is a complete or partial absence of vulnerability-based trust. This refers to a situation where team members don’t trust each other or are wary of being vulnerable in each other’s presence. They are unwilling to ask for help or admit mistakes. They may also refrain from sharing skills and knowledge.

  1. Fear of conflict

Conflict can be a positive team element when used appropriately to drive the discussion. Fear of conflict means that team members are fearful of arguing and disagreeing with one another or the team leader. The concept of a team fails to exist if team members are afraid of confrontations. This means that only one individual is contributing and there are no new ideas being generated.

  1. Lack of commitment

Team members that fail to provide their input to discussions and decisions are not committed enough in the team. They may not agree or approve of the decision but refrain from voicing out their opinion. This can harm the organization in more ways than one. Sometimes, disagreements can fuel stronger, results-oriented discussions that may identify a better way to complete tasks.

  1. Avoidance of accountability

Avoidance of accountability within the team members means a failure for the team. This refers to a situation where individuals are not responsible for the consequences arising out of their actions. Team members that don’t commit to a decision will not take responsibility for its outcome. This lack of peer to peer accountability may stem from a lack of trust. Certain team leaders who are hesitant of confrontations may decide to hold back on making team members accountable for their actions.

  1. Inattention to results

A team where no one is accountable is doomed to fail. Nobody will be concerned about the team’s outcome if team members and leaders do not hold each other accountable. They will not achieve their goal and won’t pay attention to results. This is because they are not driven to obtain results. Inattention to results can cause several problems since it involves a lack of purpose. It may also bring about a question into the very existence of the team.