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Help Children Learn English With Games

Playing is a very important part of our lives, so let's not forget to play games and learn English! The first thing that comes to mind when we think about learning something new is a book. You might be surprised to learn that you could also learn something new by playing games. 

Let's now talk about the different types of games that can be used to improve English vocabulary.


This is one of the most well-known word games. It involves forming words using individual lettered tiles on a board marked with a 15 by-15 grid. This scrabble descrambler game is recommended for children aged 8 and over. 

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What are you waiting for?

The game is typically played between two people. The game is played on a rectangular board that has a 15-by-15 grid (also known as "squares") of cells. All the lettered tiles must be shuffled before the game can begin. You can now start the game by drawing seven tiles, placing them on your rack, and then you can play. 


This game helps improve spelling and vocabulary.


It's a memory-based game that enhances creativity. This game requires you to name objects within a given set of categories. This game can be played by anyone 12 years old and older.

What are you waiting for?

The game can be played in three rounds. Each player gets a folder with an answer pad and three category cards. The game begins when one player rolls a 20-sided die. The letter that is rolled after the die is rolled starts the game. The timer starts. 


It improves vocabulary and social skills.