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Essential Tips For Picking The Right Retractable Awning

Did you know there are awnings for windows, doors, porches, and patios? And for each one of these, there are many different designs, sizes, and features. 

How do you know which one to choose? We’re here to help you through the process of choosing retractable outside awnings that will make your home look aesthetically appealing and save you money in the long run.

Why Do You Want a Retractable Awning?

While you are shopping around, you also want to keep in mind the main purpose of your purchase. Are you a business or homeowner who wants a retractable awning for customers or guests to stand under? 

A large, protruding awning like a canopy or cabana-style awning might be right. Do you want an awning that draws attention to your business? A signed box or a backlit awning might do the trick. Or are you a homeowner who wants to give your patio more shade and appeal? A retractable patio awning would be perfect.

Check Your Local Regulations

Depending on where you live, there may be certain zoning restrictions and regulations that do not allow homes or businesses to have a retractable awning. Check up with your local zoning official before you make your final purchase. 

Determine Your Overall Budget

The first step for any sort of commercial or home improvement project is to establish how much money you can spend. The size and material an awning is made of affect the price. 

If you decide to go with an automatically retracting awning, that will up the price as well. When shopping around, remember to talk to installers and factor in the price it will cost to install your awning!