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Create A Company Communications Plan


Surprisingly, many companies don't think about communication – both internal and external – until it becomes a necessity. When a crisis happens, there is a response. In many cases, the reaction does not always put the best foot forward. 

This plan can give your company the clarity it needs in good and bad times. It is crucial to establish a process for communicating your messages on an ongoing basis to keep a consistent message and provide a forum from which you can communicate. You can also get the best strategic communications plan via

Don't be afraid of the media: 

First, you need to get over your fear of the media. You shouldn't be afraid of dealing with the media. They have a job and are searching for information. You can help them! Next, create a list with all your key media contacts. Get their email addresses. 

Create news releases: 

After you have created your media contacts, start to create news content. While news information will need to be customized for different audiences, the core message should remain the same. You should identify the most important elements and end your news release with a "boilerplate" that gives a brief overview of your company. 

Employees and Stakeholders: 

The second set of audiences that you should include in your strategic communications is employees and/or stakeholders. It is important to keep your employees informed for your communications to be reflected throughout the organization.