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Tips to Boost Weight

Being slim isn't always a good thing, especially if you're a man. Although many women like supermodels on the catwalk who want to have a slim body, many men are afraid of a slim figure and actually want to get a burly body.

So, if you're one of those skinny guys who are desperate to have your questions answered about weight gain for men, check out these tried and tested weight gain tips for men. You can also take powerlifting online coaching at

Of course, if you want to gain weight, you need to eat more every day. Focus on high-calorie foods because the more calories you eat, the more weight you can gain.

However, you need to do this in a controlled way, because consuming a lot of calories destroys our desire to have a strong body.

Eat the right food

While experts recommend eating a lot of food each day to gain weight, you also need to make sure that you're only eating the right foods.

You need to focus on healthy foods that are more fruit and vegetable-based, avoiding unhealthy foods and soda pop.

The ideal diet for healthy weight gain consists of about 40 percent carbohydrates and protein, and the remaining 20 percent fat.

Heavy lifting

When you ask fitness builders how to gain weight in men, their usual answer is to lift weights. Even if you eat a lot of calories every day but don't have a weight training program, you can't expect to gain weight and build muscle.