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Unique Ideas to Memorialize a Beloved Dog

Remembering the good times that you shared with that pet can help counteract the guilt and grief that come with its loss.

One way to help yourself focus on those positive memories is to develop a memorial to your pet — a tribute or reminder that will actively help you access and concentrate on those recollections. You can buy a pet paw print kit via when your dog is alive so that you can make memorials later. 

paw print kit

Creating such a tribute can be an effective tool to help you cope with grief (though it may certainly produce a few tears in the process!), and it will also provide you with a loving reminder of that pet in the years to come.

There are many ways to memorialize a pet. Here are a few of the most popular:

1) Shop for a memorial item.

Believe it or not, shopping can be immensely therapeutic. Memorial paw print kit and frames are a lovely way to create a long-lasting memento for your special furry friend. This kit includes everything you need to create and display a clay imprint of your pet’s paw print. The no-mess, non-toxic white clay is 100% safe for pets.

2) Develop a photo tribute. 

One way to do this is to choose an especially good photo of your pet and have it beautifully framed, and place it where it will bring you the most comfort. Another is to gather a collection of representative photos — i.e., photos of your pet engaged in different activities, and at different ages — and turn them into a collection or collage. For example, you can purchase mats with cutouts for as many as 20 photos (perhaps even more), and this provides a lovely way to display a collection. You can then put the matted collection in a nice frame, which will help preserve it.

All you need to do, therefore, is to find a good quality photo of your pet (preferably one that gives a good view of its face) and send or bring it to the artist. Many people consider a portrait that is an original work of art to be a better tribute to a pet than a photograph.