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The Authoritative Guide to Designing Research Infographics

Collecting research and reporting it in an infographic format is an ideal way to engage and inform your audience. But the infinite nature of information can make the process of creating a research infographic feel overwhelming.

Using an effective research infographic template can empower your audience with the knowledge that can be time-consuming. The good news is there are many tried-and-true methods of making the process simple and easy to replicate for future research infographics.

Whether your research consists of data or informational content, research infographics are vital tools for the average marketer, academic, or leader. It’s just one of many possible types of business infographics, but research infographics are especially useful for both internal and external communication.

Anyone can create professional infographics with this comprehensive and accessible guide. It’s packed with insights, best practices, examples, checklists, and more—everything you need to make infographics that stand out above the cut.

Some infographics rely heavily on quantitative research, which is a fancy way of saying data. Some focus instead on qualitative research, which is descriptive or explanatory information. And others may combine the two.

Often, the choice between quantitative and qualitative information comes down to the audience for your research infographic. If the people reading the content will already have some basis for understanding the topic, then you don’t need much qualitative content.