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What Home Buyers Should Understand About Home Inspection

A home inspection is an important part of the home buying process that home buyers should pay close attention to. Some states have very strict requirements when it comes to home inspections. This is for the benefit of both the home buyer and seller. 

For the home buyer, you must know what the problems are with the home, and if it is something that you can easily fix or something that will inevitably be a deal-breaker. You can choose the best home inspection service in San Antonio, TX at

Home inspections are conducted in a variety of ways by different home inspectors. Depending on the firm from which the home inspector arrives, there are several areas of home inspection. 

However, there are several aspects that regular house inspections do not cover and that expert home inspectors will need to look at. Inspections for asbestos, lead, rodents, meth, and other dangerous compounds, mold, mildew, fungus, and the like are examples of home inspections that require a special license to accomplish.

Although general home inspection services vary greatly, here are some things you can expect most home inspectors to check on your home:

1. Structure. It refers to the inspection of any latent issues on the structural integrity of a home. If a crack on a concrete foundation is outside of normal wear and tear or is an indication that your home has a structural problem, it should show up on the home inspection results.

2. Roof and attic inspection. This is especially important because homes with roofing issues can develop into an expensive problem to solve. You can't tell right away whether a roof needs replacing, but a home inspector can do it for you.

3. External. – Height, fencing, landscaping, and other issues on the outside of the home can be determined by the home inspector. This is important because you can use the results of the inspection to depreciate the home's value if you will end up spending on making the home's exterior more presentable.