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Everything You Need To Know About Fertigation Methods

Fertigation is, as its name suggests, the application of fertilizers via irrigation water: Fertilization + Initialization. Although this relatively new technique has been used more often in recent years, many people haven't heard of it.

Fertigation offers many benefits over other fertilization methods. When used correctly, it can save time and labor. It is also more precise and uniform in fertilizers application, which results in better nutrient uptake. There are two methods for fertigation: proportional and quantitative. You can search online for the best advanced greenhouse fertigation systems at the Fertigation Manager.

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Fertilization is a method that uses fertilizers. The solution for fertilizers is prepared ahead of time in tanks. The solution is then injected into irrigation water. There are two main methods of fertigation: proportional and quantitative. This method is most commonly used for soil-less media or sandy soils. This method injects a predetermined amount of the stock solution into the water flow through the irrigation system. l/m3, lbs/gal).

Some controllers allow growers to determine the injection rate they require, while others require the input of time and flow parameters (irrigation rate, irrigation durations, injector discharges, injection duration).

Irrigation system design for fertigation

Proper management and knowledge are essential for effective fertigation. Fertilization is an integral part of the irrigation system. Therefore, it is important to properly design the irrigation system. These are just a few examples of good design.

The irrigation flow rate should be proportional to the injector's discharge. If the irrigation flow rate exceeds the required level, fertilizer will not be injected.

One-way valves should be installed in places where fertilizers are not flowing back to the pumps. Installation of water meters is very important. All components of the system must be calibrated correctly, including water meters, injectors, EC, and pH sensors. Unpredicted readings can lead to untoward outcomes, damage to plants, and a reduction in fertilization efficiency.