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Use Of Chandeliers Through the Ages

The earliest genuine chandelier known was created in 1167 A.D for Frederick I, the King of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

Chandeliers have always been associated with power and wealth. Although in new modern times there is a huge variety of Best-Selling Palermo Chandeliers which you can easily find online.

During the 8th century, hanging lamps became more decorative and artistic, a shadow of the extravagance and beauty that would one day be associated with chandeliers.

Between the 11th and the 15th century, the Flemish town of Dimant became famous for its chandelier brass works, and in the 16th century, the Dutch brass ball chandelier became popular.

In the 17th century, the first chandeliers featuring rock crystals were manufactured. These chandeliers were the first of the more extravagant and decorative chandeliers. 

It was in the 18th century that chandeliers got their name- chandelier is the French word for the candlestick, which was soon adopted by England and all over the world as an appropriate description for suspended lights featuring arms. 

The production and development of chandeliers slowed down until the 19th century when multiple revivals began all across Europe. During the Second Empire in France, they created historicizing styles. 

In the modern era, chandeliers have been made in a collection of styles, from large decorative chandeliers used in high-class restaurants to small colorful ones, especially for children.