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Things To Consider When Choosing A Concealed Carry Class

For residents who want to know how to choose a concealed carry class, there are several things to consider. The first thing to consider when choosing a concealed carry class is what the course curriculum will cover. 

A class that begins with an NRA curriculum is sure to be thorough and professional and will be taught by an NRA-certified firearms instructor. This is the hallmark of a good course. Never choose a course that is not taught by a certified NRA firearms instructor. 

The second thing to consider when choosing a concealed carry class is the instructor. Firearms class instructors are often off-duty law enforcement officers with many years of experience. This can be a clear disadvantage. To know more about concealed carry courses visit

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While a law enforcement officer may be very experienced in firearms, they may not be a trained instructor. Knowing something and teaching it are two very different things. For this reason, check to see if the instructor has an educational / teaching background or speak to someone who has taken a class from the instructor.

The third thing to consider when choosing a concealed carry class is what the class will consist of and how it will be conducted. In other words, will the class consist of a lecture with a Powerpoint presentation or will it be more interesting and engaging?

At a minimum, the course must include hands-on instruction with revolvers and semi-automatic pistols and marksmanship, grip, and posture practice with simulated pistols. Using a pistol equipped with a red dot laser sight is a great training aid in helping students learn how steady they are able to hold the weapon.