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Kids Room Ideas – How to Decorate a Kids Room

If you're stuck for ideas on how to decorate a kids room, you can always go for whimsical details. For example, under-bed storage can make room-saving and fun for your kids. Plus, such pieces are easily removed when your child grows, making them easy to store and keep. Keeping it affordable, you can opt for bright plastic boxes instead. Let your child help you design it, and they will enjoy creating their own labels for it!

Another fun addition to a kids room is graffiti. Graffiti gives a modern, hip vibe and can be stylish. Hanging graffiti artwork can make a room look more adult without redecorating. Toys are a vital part of any modern kid's bedroom, and you can display them in a stylish and colorful way, making them convenient for playtime. While you may have to purchase toys for your little one, you can buy a large storage bin for them and display them in an attractive and colorful manner.

Paint effects are a fun and easy way to add personality to a kids' room. Whether you're looking for a star-spangled galaxy, cotton-wool clouds or a seascape, paint effects are easy to create. You can use brilliant wall stickers for a paint effect and keep the rest of the room on theme. And if your child doesn't like the idea of putting up a big mural, you can always choose to use a feature wall as a starting point.

Choose a color palette for your child's room. The color palette will determine the overall look and feel of the room. For a nursery, pastels and primary colors are classic. For a boy, a darker shade of pink is better. You can also opt for a more mature color palette. And if you're concerned about the durability of wallpaper, you can always opt for removable wallpaper to add a fun and low-commitment flair to your kid's room.

The best theme for your child's room depends on his interests, hobbies and likes. You can also consider their favorite colors and films or TV shows. Popular themes include jungle, space, castle, forests, magic, dinosaurs and many more. But whatever your child is interested in, you're sure to find a theme that will make his/her room a place to relax. You can also make the room as stylish as possible by incorporating your child's creativity.

If you're looking for storage solutions for kids, don't overlook the under-bed space. This often-unutilized space makes for an ideal spot for hiding toys and improving room organization. Consider placing attractive storage bins or baskets under the bed for storing kid's clothing. This will free up closet space and help keep the toys out of reach. Also, consider hanging clothes. It will save space in the kids room, so they can play in their room.

If you have three little boys, a trilevel bunk bed can accommodate all three. With a single mattress on each bed, these bunks are low enough to fit in a room with eight-foot ceilings. The center bunk can be stepped up to give adequate headroom for the kids while leaving the rest of the room open for an upcycled filing cabinet. This way, you can use the space underneath the lowest bunk as storage and display area.