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Discover Some Cervical Cancer Treatment Options in Kenya

Like many other organs in the body, the cervix can develop into cancer. Unlike the others, it is the second most common for their development after breast cancer. Cervical cancer does not develop quickly. In fact, it can progress so slowly that the person doesn't even know they are there until they have had a check-up or physical exam. 

Hysterectomy is the most accepted method of cervical cancer treatment in the medical industry. This is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. If the cancer is at an advanced stage, removal of the lymph nodes may be necessary. You can also look for cervical cancer treatment in Kenya via

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Fortunately, there are other, gentler ways to treat cervical cancer and keep the mother's abilities intact. And for women who want to stay fertile, there are several cervical cancer treatment options to choose from.

One of the more established procedures is the LEEP or contour electrosurgical excision procedure. The advantages include low cost of treatment, high success rate, does not require major surgery and uses only local anesthesia, and can be performed in the doctor's office.

There are also more traditional options:

Radiation Therapy: This is done by applying an external beam to the pelvis. It can even be done internally through a procedure called brachytherapy.

Chemotherapy: This is the most popular and widely used procedure for all types of cancer.

The most important thing to remember when looking at the different treatment options for cervical cancer is that it is always possible to have children in the future.