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Know About The Plantain Recipes

Plantain can be enjoyed at every stage of ripeness. Here's a guide about what it can be cooked according to the color.

As soon as the plantain is green, it has a flavor similar to that of curry. When it's this color, it ought to be utilized in recipes that involve starchy vegetables. As soon as the plantain is yellowish, it ought to be utilized in recipes that call for something sweet but firm. At this phase, the skin might be yellowish with black spots.  You can consider buying yellow plantain. They are characterized by the age of the fruit. If you want to buy yellow plantain, then you can visit this link.

Asiko Exotic Plantain Crisps

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When that plantain is black, then use it in recipes that need something sweet. At this phase, the skin could be coated with heavy black stains or might be wholly black.

Recipes cooked with plantain are very yummy. 

The mashed green plantain recipe is excellent for plantains of green color as it'll have the exact same starchy consistency as mash potatoes. Here's what you want:

  • 1/2 cup of milk (You can use any fatness for example low fat if you would like)
  • 5 tsp of margarine
  • 6 cups of water
  • Add pepper and salt to taste

Here's what you need to do:

1. Place the Plantains into a saucepan together with the water and then boil on high heat for 2 minutes.

2. Cover the pan.

3. After the plantains are soft, dump the water.

4. Add milk, salt, and pepper.

5. Eat and enjoy.

This quick and effortless recipe is fantastic to eat for lunch.