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Bathroom Renovation – A Step by Step Guide

Bathrooms are one of the smallest rooms in the house and also one of the most expensive to remodel. A well-done bathroom makeover may increase the value of a property while also creating a beautiful, light-filled area. You can look for the best Bathroom Remodeling service in Erie PA online.

How to DIY a bathroom renovation during coronavirus

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Designing a bathroom

The first aspect of your bathroom makeover that you must perfect is the design. It's possible that simply replacing the present bathroom with one of the identical designs will not be enough.

However, make sure that your bathroom design also includes general usage. For example, if you were constructing a bathroom for a family, you could still make the shower and bath easily accessible.

Bathroom design is important because it makes the most of the space. This includes the size and location of light, drainage options, and fittings. Make a plan to reduce the size of your room by scaling it down. Make a note of any existing drainage points, as well as any water inlet locations.

The Bathroom Renovation Process

1. Install drainage pipes, as well as electricity lines.

2. Install the bath hob and bath once the wall lining and ceiling have been installed.

3. Waterproof the shower and bath recess, as well as the floor.

4. Use sand and cement to level the floor in preparation for tiling.

5. Next, grout the floor and wall tiles.

6. Replace the bathroom vanity, fixtures, and faucets, as well as the wiring.

7. Complete the project by painting the ceiling and cleaning it well.