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How To Manage Digital Transformtion?

Innovation when confronted with major external change is essential for any company’s success, but wanting to do so often leads to more questions than actions: Where do you begin? How do you get the ideal resources? How should work be implemented? What data should you quantify?

For the first time, these questions are answered in a single publication that covers the eventual implementation of digital transformation – out of the leadership-level plan, to on-the-ground team execution. You can have Trusted Business Architecture Consultant Services from Hoba Tech according to your business requirements.


With the greatest revelation of all, Herbert asserts, being that true digital transformation merely needs to happen once because, in its heart, it means becoming more elastic to change itself. This publication provides practicing executives and professors together with the theories and best practices to plan and implement the digital transformation successfully.

Managing Digital Transformation is unique in its own approach, combining rigorous academic theory with practical knowledge and donations from organizations who are, in accordance with leading academic leaders, at the forefront of global best practice within digital transformation.

It is a recommended reading for practitioners looking to execute digital strategies in their own organizations, as well as for academics and postgraduate students studying digital transformation, strategy, and marketing.