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Are You Using The Power Of Visual Maps?

Nowadays, there are advanced technology tools to communicate a message. Visualization through visual imagery is one of the most effective ways to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas and concepts. There are many applications that help make even the most complex technologies and concepts easy to visualize and understand.

You can also navigate this site to use online tools for concept visualization.

If you want to use visual displays to explain your information, use these tips. 

Tip 1: Provide A Clear Title:

This title of your presentations provides an overview of the entire topic, and to all maps. This creates consistency and a feeling of safety. You always know that you are looking at maps that relate to this overarching concept.

Tip 2. Structure Sub Headings

The overview is structured in easy-to-understand words, all shown in equal size and similar typeface.

Tip 3. Provide A Key Code

Explain your code in colors, keywords, and numbers if appropriate. This is used consistently in all maps.

Tip 4. Provide Options

Viewers can choose to read, listen to audio, and click through to visual displays. Some of the displays offer further details to visual depictions.

Tip 5. Focus On A Hot Topic

While you may be presenting entirely different data, focus on how to capture attention.