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Amazon Web Services Allow For Lower Startup Costs

Amazon's AWS platform can be a great resource for companies looking to start a new online business. Amazon Web Services (AWS), which was launched in 2002, leveraged the infrastructure of one of the largest internet e-tailers. AWS offers a variety of web services that can be combined to create what's now being called a "cloud". AWS currently offers approximately 20 web services that can be used in the cloud. 

The Elastic Cloud Compute (also known as EC2 and S3) is currently the most popular. You can know more about AWS via Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) is the best service that existing website owners can use the fastest. S3 is an online file storage service that offers unlimited scalability and high redundancy. 

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Amazon has clusters of servers around the world that guarantee 99.99% uptime and retention for any data uploaded to S3. Any files that are more than 5GB can easily be migrated to S3 to allow them to be used for Content Delivery Networks (CDN). Amazon's AWS infrastructure is based on extremely fast internet backbones. This means that content will be served faster than if it were hosted from shared hosting accounts. 

Many website owners who are currently using web hosting with limited storage or bandwidth will see immediate cost savings by moving to S3 for content delivery. Amazon's S3 is a cost-effective tool for large websites and online services that store large amounts of data.