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A Beginner’s Guide To Designing Your Garden

If you're just starting out and want to get into the design process, this article will help you get started. It covers everything from sketching your ideas, designing with color, working with plants, layout techniques, and more. For more information regarding outdoor landscape design, you can visit this site –

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Are you someone who wants to know more about creating a beautiful garden in your backyard? Look no further than this article, which is a great overview of the basics of design.

Types of Gardens

A garden is composed of many different elements, from the simple to the complex. There are three main types of gardens: formal, natural, and mixed. Formal gardens are designed with specific goals in mind, such as displaying flowers or plants in a specific style.  Natural gardens are designed without any specific goals in mind and are instead intended to be aesthetically pleasing. Mixed gardens combine aspects of both formal and natural gardens.

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be daunting for those who are new to the hobby. If you're looking to get started in gardening, or just want to improve your current skills, this guide will help you choose the right type of garden for your needs, as well as provide tips on how to create it.

There are four main types of gardens: traditional, organic, naturalistic, and cottage. Traditional gardens typically feature geometric shapes such as squares and circles, while organic gardens use plants that have been certified by the Organic certifying body. 

Naturalistic gardens feature plants that mimic their natural surroundings, while cottage gardens are designed for small spaces and feature plants that are easy to care for.